domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2020



ND denounce Global-neoliberal debacle y propone State-Social + Capit-compet in Eco



Warnings concerning high CT value of tests are months too late…so why are they appearing now? The potential explanation is shockingly cynical...




We have now had nearly nine months of being treated like utter imbeciles. A once great country with a once free people has been reduced to the level of being governed by pathetic, childish slogans. And for some reason we have allowed ourselves to be infantilized...





Neoliberal globalization is over. Financiers know it, they documented with graphics



The Fed is now faced with... a momentous task encompassing the whole US economy, requiring even faster money-printing, and is impossible without destroying the unbacked dollar...

Authored by Alasdair Macleod via,


1-It is not for no reason that cryptos are roaring, and precious metals are playing catch-up.

2-Hyper-inflation of the dollar is now becoming obvious to a growing cohort of investors.

Sum up


The Fed is now faced with not only financing ballooning federal budget deficits, but underwriting US supply chains in their entirety, which is corroborated by ongoing global logistical problems, tying up an annualised $34 trillion of intra-business payments in America alone. The Fed’s unwavering commitment to Keynesian monetary policies will lead the Fed to attempt to offset these supply chain problems, to rescue banks that fail to survive the inevitable contraction in bank credit, and to defray the bad debts that will arise.

It is a momentous task encompassing the whole US economy, requiring even faster money-printing, and is impossible without destroying the unbacked dollar.  


This is a momentous task encompassing the whole US economy, requiring even faster money-printing, and is impossible without destroying the unbacked dollar.  


The pace of monetary destruction is making a new leap. Figure 1 is the money supply of the world’s reserve currency, which is soaring at a new pace. In the last two weeks of November, M1 money supply jumped by over 14% — an annualised rate of 367%.

See Chart:

US M1  $bn


US savings deposits are being encashed

According to the most recent figures, the sum of total checkable deposits and the currency component of M1 increased in November by $435.7bn, a rise of 11.6%, while total savings deposits fell by $88.5bn (0.75%).  The difference between the former two and the latter is instant access.

The reasons for this turnaround reflect a new reluctance by depositors to tie up funds in the banking system.

We cannot blame zero interest rates on this development, because there were massive inflows totalling $1.24 trillion into total savings deposits in March April and May, when interest rates were also zero. The most likely reason time deposits are not being renewed is because it is a first step for bank customers who intend to reduce their overall currency exposure relative to the assets, goods and services they normally buy, which for them will embrace all their bank balances, including comparatively illiquid savings accounts.

In the context of a combination of monetary inflation and the effect on asset prices, encashment of savings deposits makes sense. There is no point in lending money to the bank for zero interest, when prices of the assets and goods you buy are rising.

Bank lending is suddenly contracting.

Apart from the decrease of deposits in M2 and the increase of funds in checking accounts, the origin for most of the sudden fall in US M2 money supply in November is linked to the contraction in bank lending. Figure 2 is of M2 minus M1, giving an approximation from customer deposits of the course of bank credit on the other side of bank balance sheets.

See Fig 2:

US Bank lending M2-M1 - USD Billions


Following the chart in Figure 2 tells the story since the Lehman crisis. With official price inflation remaining low and the Fed in control of interest rates, bank credit then expanded at a steady pace for ten years. When the US banks ran into balance sheet constraints in September 2019, the Fed intervened in the repo market to ensure bank credit continued to be available.

The problem was patched up until March this year, when the Fed cut its funds rate to 0% and announced unlimited QE a few days later. It coincided with the first world-wide covid-19 lockdowns. At that time, it was thought that in a matter of a few months the virus would be brought under control and the global economy would return to normal. Bankers remembered from Lehman that the solution was to keep calm and carry on.


Lending psychology

The psychology of bank credit cycles is easy to understand in the context of bankers who start with a fear of risk, followed by lending caution, growing competition for business, then greed compressing margins even further, and finally fear again.

Bankers have a strong tendency to act in unison, creating a definitive lending cycle, a feature seen throughout banking history. With repeating cyclical failures, over time the bankers’ collective monopolistic instincts led them to rally round to prevent a crisis at one or more banks infecting them — as was the case with Barings in 1890 — and then to central banks becoming wholly responsible for bank rescues in the twentieth century. That was one of the reasons why the Fed was created in the first place.


Global logistics are in chaos.

Logistics businesses involved in the transportation, storage and flow of goods have been badly disrupted by the covid pandemic. Containers full of goods have accumulated at ports with ongoing distribution capacity having been cut. Furthermore, stockpiling of certain goods has led to container ports being used as storage facilities, clogging them up despite financial penalties.

The financing requirements of American businesses are proportional to the supply chain disruption from the container chaos, whether the business is importing consumer goods or components for manufacture. The totality of the problem is far larger than GDP, being directly related to US gross output, last recorded at the end of the second quarter 2020 at $34.26 trillion. The screenshot of the FRED chart below illustrates how this has dropped from its all-time peak at the end of 2019.

See Chart:

Gross Output o all industries



Like this one in Fig 3

See FIG 3: 

Trade weighted USD


And Fig 4 that shows: with rising yields there is a growing sense that profits from falling yields will now be replaced by capital losses from rising yields.

See Fig 4:

US 10 Y- Treasury Yield %



There can be little doubt that the monetary, banking and economic developments and their requirements for an additional and unlimited expansion in the money supply is set to destroy the dollar and all the fiat currencies that take their cue from it, as surely as John Law’s currency collapsed three hundred years ago. In their partial understanding of what represents money, the cryptocurrency community are just the first to get this message.







Seudo democ duopolico in US is obsolete; it’s full of frauds & corruption. Urge cambio



We should always be wary of falling into the trap of this alarmism, but as 2020 comes to an end there are some truly unique events happening in the West, especially America that cannot be ignored...


Las grandes Corp del capital especulador y del capital pro-guerra  (MIC) jamás van a poder elevar el crecimiento del GDP en forma sostenida. El GDP depende del gasto o spending d componentes:  A- el consumidor que ahora en navidad y año nuevo van a llevar el boom Econ al tope (se gastaran todos los ahorros para luego en enero regresar a la deuda personal y familiar). Esto significa que a mediados y/o fines de enero el ‘powder keg’ estará listo para estallar. Quien lo enciende? (lit).. por supuesto quienes no tienen trabajo ni familia que los ampare. La mayoría de la Nacion dependera del welfare como ayer, solo que la miseria será mas grande y la rapidez del printed y circulac de USD mas lenta (los nuevos en un STATE siempre son más lentos). Pero la policía seguirá con su habito de asesinar pueblo desarmado y esto si podría hacer estallar el ‘power keg’. B- El GDP depende en 2do lugar de los gastos del Estado y Trump ya tiene creadas varias guerras en camin (taiwan, Iran, Ven, Siria ++) y exigirá desde el Senado se amplie el presupuesto militar que la CS  transitoriamente denegó. Se regresara a la produc de armas y de guerras fuera sin que se sancione a los mandos milit que las iniciaron. C- El inversor privado que esta profundamente dividido. El especulador de la pandemia a llegado a limites inhumanos increíbles. La salud del pueblo no les importa y los muertos que crean esas vacunas siguen creciend y no son tipificadas como crimen intencional (son ocultados ) mientras el CV sigue creciendo en la prensa corp que difunde la victoria del ‘terrorism CV’  dia y noche. El inversor del sector productivo no tiene nada nuevo que vender pues la fabricación de maquinarias se ha estacionado por los ‘lockdowns’ (después de navidad y año nuevo se les acabo la fiesta). El mediano y pequenio productor sufren ya la peor crisis de su vida (si aun existen). No hay posibilid de unir todos estos sectore empreariales. La tendencia decreciente de la quota de ganancia del sector empresarial prouctivo ha llegado a su limite. Solo el nuevo cooperativismo entre ellos los salvaría,y eso implica apoyar socialización y un tipo de socialismo sui-generis , que es lo que logro FDR en el US y Lenin con la NEP (donde capital y labor pactaron Ados para salvar el país bajo acoso imperial). El 4to factor o D- El contexto Econ y Politico INTERNCIONAL. Hoy todos sufren la pandemia que solo los Chinos y RU pueden salvar con sus vacunas. Pero los circuitos de comecializacion también están casi paralizados.Y para echarle mas leña al fuego tenemos el proyecto de WW3 de NATO y US con Alemania como líder en la Europa Occidental. Estos creen que bombardear RU-CH e instalar el capitalismo allí los va a salvar. Ese es ‘un opium-dream’) y ya one source lo dijo claro: podemos destruir todo el poder militar de NATO en 1 solo dia si les desmontamos sus circuitos satelitales. En breve: RU-CH están ya preparados para responder un ataque nuclear del US-NATO y sus aliados.



Sadly, but perhaps predictably, government regulations do not appear to be slowing down the coronavirus...




US-WORLD  ISSUES (Geo Econ, Geo Pol & global Wars)

Global depression is on…China, RU, Iran search for State socialis+K-, D rest in limbo



Though interestingly enough most of the vaccines produced in China will be sold to buyers abroad.. 


Biden Seeks Talks With Venezuela's Maduro While Juan Guaido Shut Out 

Biden is set to break from Trump's hawkish Venezuela policy...


Lo que hace Biden es sondear el contexto en el que va a trabajar. No hay definido hasta ahora. Quizá el 20 de enero tengamos claro su proyecto.




GEO-POL n GEO-ECO  ..Focus on neoliberal expansion via wars & danger of WW3


- 2nd Hacking Group 'Affected' US SolarWinds Software, Microsoft Says as Trump Questions Russian Role

- White House Backs Away From Issuing Statement Blaming Russia for 'Sunburst' Attack,

-Brexit Talks Allegedly 'Stuck' as New COVID Restrictions May Put 'Last-Minute' Pressure on Matter

- Chinese Company SMIC Slams US for Blacklisting Firm, Reiterates It's Not Affiliated With Military

- Afghan Troops Kill 74 Taliban Militants During Clashes in Kandahar Province

- UK Health Secretary: New COVID Strain 'Was Out of Control', Brits Need to Reduce Social Contacts

- Hawkish Politician Embraced by Israeli Media: Who is Netanyahu's New Challenger Gideon Saar?

- IAEA Ready to Send Team to Check Fukushima Plant Waste Water Ahead of Release, Head of Agency Says

- GOP, Democrats Reportedly Reach Agreement Clearing the Path for COVID Relief Package Vote

- Palestine Liberation Organisation Lists Conditions For Restoring Ties With Washington

- Netherlands Bans Flights From UK After New Mutant Coronavirus Strain Identified

- 'War on China by US': Twitter Grimaces as McDonalds China Rolls Out Oreo and SPAM Burger

- Bolsonaro Suggests Vaccinated People Could Turn Into 'Crocodiles'

- WHO in Contact With British Officials on New Mutant Coronavirus Strain




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