miércoles, 19 de junio de 2013


Hugo Adan, June 18 2013

The G8 immediate objective was to depower Bashar Assad (Syria) under the pretext of using chemical weapons against their nation. In fact, regimen change was a secondary aim for the US-NATO allies, the central objective was to take control of Syria, Iran and Lebanon in order to take their oil and the oil from the Caspian see through the Mediterranean to the Europe market. The subordination of diplomacy in the G8 to such war-objective failed.  

Hyp 1. The old project to control the East is being dismantled nowadays. 

Such project was a gift from Gorbachev, he made it easy for the US to advance the US-Nato expansion toward the East (focus: Caspian-see huge oil reserves). The fact is that now such project doesn’t pay off and NATO allies have to take out their soldiers or else. 

The Oil-businness worldwide is collapsing. The world is moving toward clean energy. Big oil corporations in the US-UK & Europe are alive with Fed or State subsidies. In the US  these big Co have especial privileges or they simply refuse to pay taxes. The US nation don’t need them. 

However, giant-corporations directly related to oil businesses has enough power inside & abroad to decide the US foreign policy. Auto-industry, insurance Co & the oil-trading in US dollar’s makes them the ruling power able to maintain the old policy of military expansion, even though it contradict laws and the will and aspirations of common people for clean energy, peace and democracy. 

The old project of controlling the East is obsolete: it lacks clear program, it cost too much money and precious life (Benaghazi case). The fact is that the US-Nato are given now military power to Muslim fundamentalist (jihadist) whose plan is to take control of their oil in the nearest future. They have the right to recover their resources. The problem is that fundamentalist jihadist lead now the resistance and they are receiving training & arms to implement “la estrategia argelina” that makes the French-army to get out from Algeria in a matter of days (100 bombs in shopping centers of Paris was enough was Paris Government to order the withdraw of troops).  

Hyp2.  The failure of the G8 (7+1=1). 

A. In Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya the fundamentalist jihadist are advancing their unity (more foreign troops are been targeted every day and the less-paid mercenaries either sheets or sunis in Iraq when they see foreign troops, they see them as invaders, so they are prompt to hit either side, the rival & the invader. Inside the Arab League,  they already got basic grounds for unity despite the money funneled by Sudis & Qatar royalties to the AL bureaucrats. In Afghanistan the war-lords don’t need the DEA to trade directly their opium. Sooner than later all radical fundamentalist will get their unity. 

Regarding  Talibans -that already got a big share in the drug business- the US and the West have nothing to offer to them, not oil or else in the magnitud offered to the Kurds. If the US concedes them power in Afghanistan, they will go to Pakistan and nothing guarantee their alliance to NATO: los muertos pesan mas que los vivos en el cerebro de un jihadist. 

B. The US-NATO war-policy in this part of the East was condemned to failure before the G8.  The Russia and China tactic was effective: give the resistance free weapons and the West will do their part, training them in the art of “ how to kill me”. 

This subordination of diplomacy to war objectives in the part of the US-NATO allies “fue otra muerte anunciada; Hillary Clinton can say now: I saw it, I laugh, I quit”.  

C. The G8 meeting had a ridiculous purpose and dynamic: they try to solve a problem they created by supporting the jihadist inside Syria. They have no intention to bring the parties in conflict inside Syria to a table of political negotiation to achieve peace. Such policy left Israel in limbo: If Bashar Assad was defeated what they would do?  Bombing them?  Mas vale Diablo conocido que Nuevo por conocer.

D. The US & Europe are now in severe ec-crisis right and they still believe they are the masters able to dictate the rules in the world.  “Que arrogancia para cretina” dicen hoy los del BRICS”. The purpose of proposing regimen change just when the war was over and the jihadist invaders were defeated by the State, that was “cretinismo guerrerista”. Sin un Estado gana la Guerra contra un invasor, lo mínimo que se debe hacer es reconocer ese Estado y a su Jefe. De haber perdido la guerra Bashar Assad , seguro EU y Europa lo habrían enjuiciado en un phony trial como lo hicieron con Milosevic de Yugoslavia.  

E. Al parecer, los viejos emperadores se olvidaron de Sun Tzu, de Clausewitz y quizá leyeron al reves a Maquiavelo.  Russian would say:  7+1=1 in war diplomacy, if the real war in the field was won by 1. China would say, following  Sun Tzu,  that the key in the art of war is to get the submission of the enemy  without going to either their war or to their war-field.  

F. To me all the diplomatic show intending to change a regimen in the name of humanitarian “reason”  was simple pathetic. What a short memory: they forgot the crimes in Hiroshima y Nagasaki?, They forgot they gave chemical weapons to Sadam Hussein against Iran? Do they forgot what recently happens in Faluya (the city in Irak returned to stone-age). What about  civilians droned in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen  & other 3rd world countries.  Pathetic memory!! The old and cretino emperors in the West have no moral-ethical basis to claim humanitarian “reasons” in their wars. 


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