miércoles, 26 de septiembre de 2012



 ELECTORAL TRAP: If the WORSE party threat to WIN you vote the BAD

You vote the lesser evil in the past. Now not need to vote because Mitt Romney already conceded victory to Obama by endorsing the poor to them (he called parasites in the tape in which he divide the nation between those who pay most taxes and those who don't pay any, the unemployed and the elder),  besides being transferred the young woman vote to democrats before his selection in the GOP (the inside auction).

WHAT A TRAP!!. Voters look like mice in a cage. They still have to go to the pools because the corporate media wanted so to give the international public opinion a sense of "democracy" in America. People have the right to occupy streets, but the rich laugh & police brutalize protesters.  Civil disobedience is changing almost nothing, if people continue going to the pools and vote the lesser evil candidate.

The trap remains in place and the one who profit are big corporations, they are behind the super packs and they don’t lose, they win by financing both parties.


Ron Paul, Denis Kucinish and other bla-bla rebels betrayed American people when they renounced to unite themselves and create a United Front to re-build America.Their narcissist super-ego prevailed as usual. The Nation was not their real concern.
There are three options, all of them speak for the failure of real democracy .

Failure because this is not election, this is an auction for selected rich financiers to play. In some countries of Europe & India buying elections is a political crime, no here.


The 1st option is ABTENCION: don’t vote. It will express fed up to this system.  

The 2nd: vote independent candidate al local level, if and only if, they can prove that they don’t belong to either member of the dirty couple, or, if they  publicly resign to either party.

The 3rd option: tap you nose and vote the BAD if the WORSE is a threat, but if you really disgust this system better ABSTAIN and unite in a grass root organization.


THE BAD OPTION as described in the alternative media


By Jill Dalton in The Nation of Change
Friday, 21 September 2012 11:11
Reproduced in: http://futurefastforward.com/feature-articles/7482-is-obama-the-trojan-horse-a-psychopath-a-bad-boyfriend-or-all-three-by-jill-dalton-21912

“Believe me the Obama brand is collapsing just as the Bush brand before him became so craven even the most deluded had to recognize the fraud that had been perpetrated upon the American people”

I believe Barack Obama was put into office to do what no Republican could ever have gotten away with. Obama has extend the wars, created new wars, extended the Bush tax cuts for the rich, given additional bail out money to the banks, allowed the health insurance industry to write the healthcare bill, extended the Patriot Act and signed the NDAA.

Under his watch not one member of the Bush Administration has been held accountable for leading us into wars built on false evidence and lies; not one banker has been held accountable for the fraud and corruption that brought down the global economy. And the final nail in the coffin, Mr. Slim Shady signed the NDAA bill on New Year’s Eve while most American’s sipped champagne and sang Auld Lang Syne. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) makes America the battlefield and allows indefinite detention of U.S. citizens suspected of ‘terrorist” leanings without due process.


But why be so negative you might ask? Here are a few things Obama did manage to do. He extended unemployment benefits because they’re no jobs as his stimulus package was too small. He also managed to cut payroll taxes, which is a back door way to defund Social Security, He helped cover up the BP oil spill in the Gulf by allowing Corexit, a toxic disbursement not allowed in other countries, to break up the oil which then dropped to the bottom instead of just cleaning it up. In other words, allowing them to hide the body.

Obama hates truth tellers such as Julian Assange of WikiLeaks and whistleblowers like Bradley Manning who’s been held in detention for almost two years for, according to Obama, exposing state secrets aka a horrendous war crime. That is if Manning is the alleged leaker who gave the “Collateral Murder” video to WikiLeaks showing 12 civilians murdered by American soldiers. What is the difference between the “Collateral Murder” war atrocity and the 1970 My Lai Massacre and the Court-Martial of Captain Ernest L. Medina? What is the difference between the Pentagon Papers and Daniel Ellsberg and Bradley Manning? I mean isn’t this evidence we’re now living in a corporate/fascist/ military/police state?

Now look, I know they’re still plenty of Obama supporters among us but I find it very difficult to understand why so many people still love, honor and support this guy. I voted for this guy too. I fell for his smooth talk, cool demeanor and wide open smile. I’ve always been a sucker for tall dark and handsome but if he wasn’t lying then he’s lying now and I for one am mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.

I know it’s hard to admit you made a mistake. I get it. You really believed this guy was “the one” and he is the one for the 1%: Wall Street, the too big to fail banks, the military industrial complex, the prison industrial complex, big oil, big pharma, i.e. the corporate fascist state he’s so gingerly locking into place.

We looked the other way when he said he’d put on comfy shoes and march with the unions and then when the unions had their bargaining rights withdrawn, Obama like the good corporate shill he is, remained silent. We made excuses for him when he remained silent as the police brutalized, beat, pepper sprayed and shot projectiles at peaceful demonstrators. Obama, unlike Robert Kennedy who had the balls to stand up to the racists down south and brought in the National Guard to protect those fighting for their civil rights, is a coward.

It could be battered spouse syndrome. I know there are people hospitalized with a broken jaw or collarbone and they won’t press charges against their attackers. I can’t explain why victims protect their abusers but they do and not only do they protect them, they go back to them over and over only to be beaten again and again.

Or maybe it’s the Stockholm syndrome whereby victims fall in love with their captors. It happens. No need to beat yourself up over it.

To me Obama’s like the bad boyfriend. He lies to you, cheats on you, forgets to call, but you just keep taking him back and making excuses. “Well, he can’t help it. He has to stand up to those mean Republicans.” Right?

And, therefore, I feel it’s my duty to do an intervention. For those of you still deluding yourselves, who still can’t face reality I suggest therapy or better yet maybe pick up a copy of “He’s just Not That Into You.”

I know it’s hard. I told you I voted for him too. I sent him money. I believed him. But let’s be honest this guy is a lying, cheating, warmongering, opportunist who serves the 1% so he might get reelected. He’s in bed with Goldman Sachs, Exxon Mobile, GE and whoever else will pay him for his services.

He does throw us the occasional bone like the recent appointment of Richard Cordray to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. And studies show even rats will keep going back to find the food pellet over and over again even if it only shows up very rarely. But there comes a time when one must admit they were wrong, cut their losses and move on.

Not to worry they’re other fish in the sea. Jill Stein of the Green Party has a very sane 5-point program. I know she may seem boring as we all love our bad boys but really a psychopath who murders innocent civilians and destroys countries using drone attacks will eventually turn on you. Didn’t you see “Sleeping With the Enemy?” Hello! And there’s also Anderson of the Justice Party. So don’t despair you’ll find somebody new. Maybe not right away but you won’t have to sleep alone forever.

Believe me the Obama brand is collapsing just as the Bush brand before him became so craven even the most deluded had to recognize the fraud that had been perpetrated upon the American people.

For those of you who still don’t see it you’re sort of like the Bushies who believed in the Iraq war and defended the honesty and integrity of their fearless leader no matter how many lies he told. I guess it may prove the old adage. Love really is blind.


THE WORSE,  to be avoided at any cost in the past
Now rich already abandoned Romney and he conceded victory to Obama since he alienate the GOP from the poor & young woman vote


Ahmed Shihab-Eldin [2]  from  Huffington Post [1]
Sunday, 16 September 2012
ORIGINAL  in http://www.huffingtonpost.com/
Reproduced in: http://futurefastforward.com/current-affairs/7450-matt-taibbi-on-mitt-romneys-crooked-dirty-game-by-ahmed-shihab-eldin-2-17912

The following is a transcript of HuffPost Live, in which host Ahmed Shihab-Eldin interviews Rolling Store editor Matt Taibbi about his latest piece exposing the ugly ways Mitt Romney built his massive fortune. The transcript has been edited for clarity.

Ahmed Shihab-Eldin: In case you didn’t know this particular factoid, both governor Mitt Romney and President Obama have each raised well over half a billion dollars in this election. Even worse, the total amount spent on this election year will surpass $2.5 billion. To me, that’s a lot of money. But a question that comes up often is why aren’t more people — more Americans, more politicians — speaking up about this. Someone who’s speaking up is Rolling Stone’s contributing editor, Matt Taibbi, who’s joining us to talk about his latest article. Matt, this is your article, thank you for joining us.

Matt Taibbi: This is how private equity deals work, and this is what most people don’t understand. When a company like Bain wants to take over a company, let’s say, like KB Toys, what they do is — it’s very similar to the process of getting one of those no-money-down mortgages — you put down a tiny amount of money, in the case of Bain, you put down about 5 percent of his own cash, $18 million. He financed the other $302 million that he got, and what he did was he went to a bank and you’re borrowing against the assets of a company you don’t own yet. So what you do is you say to the bank …

Ahmed Shihab-Eldin: Which is legal.

Matt Taibbi: Which is totally legal. But what you do is you say to the bank, ‘I’m going to take over this company,’ or ‘I’m going to take over some company, and when we do that company is going to be indebted to you.’ So they borrow $300 million. With that money, and his money, you buy a controlling stake in the company that you’re trying to take over, and once you do that, the debt that you yourself took out becomes the debt of the company that you have taken over. And this is very poorly understood by most people. Now there’s the other problem, now if you’re KB Toys, you’ve borrowed $300 million and you owe the bank. And you haven’t done it to buy new equipment or open new stores or do research and development, all you’ve bought with that $300 million is …

Ahmed Shihab-Eldin: Debt.

Matt Taibbi: Yes, and the privilege of being managed by Mitt Romney, that’s really all you’ve bought.

Ahmed Shihab-Eldin: Privilege.

Matt Taibbi: Exactly. And so now you have to cut costs, you have to tighten your belt a little bit. And the way that you deal with that is you have Mitt Romney tell you where the costs have to be cut, and whom to fire. For the privilege of doing that, they charge you another fee. So now, not only are you paying debt service, but you’re paying management fees to the PE company that could be as much as 7, 8, 9, 10 million dollars a year.

Ahmed Shihab-Eldin: So you lay out a case and even now I think I’m having more understanding, but what I’m not understanding — I’m understanding what Mitt Romney’s done, and you’re right to point out that it’s several companies. But I have to ask you Matt, why is this happening? We said it was legal. Why do people do this? Why do we allow this to be legal? Is it just to maximize profit at all costs?

Matt Taibbi: I think there’s a line of thinking, and look, not all private equity deals end in disaster. Sometimes they’re actually a good thing. One of the things that private equity companies do extremely well, is they’ll look at a landscape and say, ‘Here are three companies that do essentially the same thing, they’re occupying too much market space between them, let’s buy all three of them, roll them all up, eliminate the duplicate of overhead, create a new company and eliminate all that waste,’ — which is harsh because it ends up in a lot of jobs being lost. But sometimes you end up with a leaner, meaner company as the result of that. And there are plenty of success stories in private equity. But what people have to understand is that private equity companies do not exist to turn around companies. That is not their function. Their function is to make a profit for their investors and for the private equity firm, and these things are at cross-purposes.

Ahmed Shihab-Eldin: I feel as though Romney himself has actually been forced to outline that very thing. It is ultimately about making a profit for investors, or someone in his campaign kind of admitting that that is the intent.

Matt Taibbi: Well, yes and no. He wrote a book called Turn Around, and he's pitched himself as a guy who is going to turn around America because that's what he does, is turn around companies. But that's not really true. When you take over these companies, you have all these tools at your disposal that allow you to extract value from the company without the company succeeding. You can force them to take out a bank loan and pay you a dividend. There's all these different things you can do.

Ahmed Shihab-Eldin: So there’s multiple alternatives…

Matt Taibbi: Right. And so you can succeed in a private equity deal without turning a company around. And that’s a critical distinction that people don’t get.

Source URL: http://www.alternet.org/matt-taibbi-mitt-romneys-crooked-dirty-game

[1] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/
[2] http://www.alternet.org/authors/ahmed-shihab-eldin
[3] http://www.alternet.org/tags/taibbi
[4] http://www.alternet.org/tags/romney-0
[5] http://www.alternet.org/tags/private-equity-0
[6] http://www.alternet.org/%2Bnew_src%2B


•  Matt Taibbi Mitt Romney - Huffington Post
Rolling Stone contributing editor Matt Taibbi sounded off on Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney on HuffPost Live Thursday. Taibbi took on .

•  Matt Taibbi Mitt Romney Debt - Huffington Post
Aug 29, 2012 – According to Rolling Stone contributing editor Matt Taibbi, Mitt Romney made his fortune exploiting two strategies that the Republican

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