domingo, 29 de enero de 2012



Part I

Hugo Adan . January 28, 2012

El canibalismo entre los ricos es un preludio del que vendrá sobre los pobres si algunos de estos llega al poder. Los ricos petroleros fueron un desastre en el poder (los Bush lo rebelaron) y hoy los ricos de la mafia financiera rebelan que ni siquiera están aptos para pretender la casa blanca de nuevo.

El debate entre Romney, Gingrich y Santorum ha creado nausea, asco en el electorado americano. Pocos sabían de la forma como los ricos evaden impuestos (no pagan ni siquiera la mitad de lo que paga el resto de la nación. Romny no paga ni el 14%. La nación paga del 25 al 33%). Esto y los escándalos de corrupción en que los tres estan envueltos (trafico de influencia con entidades bancarias corruptas del país, los que infestaron las finanzas de EU y Europa con sub-prime mortgages y se enriquecieron con los desalojos de casas de millones de americanos) esto alimenta aún mas la ira nacional que recién empezó a estallar con la tomar de calles y plazas. El circo electoral de hoy es tan pestilente y desvergonzado que agrega aún más combustible al estallido de la rebelión popular que pronto habrá de reiniciarse y con más fuerza.

La denuncia de Newt Gingrich sobre la evasión de impuestos de los ricos (lo que agravo Obama con los recortes en el gasto público para educación, salud y beneficios sociales, eso mas los bailouts de Obama, su “flexibilidad financiera” con los bancos mafiosos y la emisión de dólares or quantitative easing ) mas las guerras de saqueo del petróleo ajeno que ambos demócratas y republicanos defienden, han puesto al país al borde del colapso final. Este problema no tiene solución con ninguno de los dos partidos que financian los ricos y que se alterna en el poder para defender los intereses de grandes corporaciones mafiosas.

En buena hora ocurrió la denuncia sobre la evasión de impuestos. Esto no solo sepultó a los republicanos sin o al bipartidismo como acostumbra decir Ron Paul (y que hace el alli?). Pero es cierto, porque Romney antes de morir políticamente lo saco también a Gingrich de la contienda. Romney podrá derrochar su capital mal habido y ganar dentro del Pdo republicano pero está condenado a perder frente a Obama. Su halo de santidad y la expectativa de honradez en él, lo liquidó el canibalismo del Pdo.

Quiza sea tarde para que los republicanos puedan reemplazar la terna y colocar al gobernador de Indiana Mitch Danniels y a Rand Paul (el hijo) como candidatos pero si no lo hacen pierden la Presidencia. Romney, Gingrich y Santorum son ya cadáveres políticos y como todo cadáver tienen derecho al pedo, podrán decir lo que quieran, pero eso no significa que tienen vida en la política “democrática” de los EU.

Los afro-americanos en política son masoquistas y naive y de todos modos van a votar por los demócratas, aun si fue Obama quien ayudo a sacarlos de sus casas, de las escuelas , quien les recorto su medicare-medicaid y su derecho al desempleo. Mas me pegas, mas te quiero, dicen ellos. La única reserva electoral que pudo haber hacer diferencia a favor de los republicanos son los latinos.

Hoy en Florida veremos que lo máximo que obtendrán del voto latino fue lo mismo que obtuvieron en las primarias de ayer y eso es ya una derrota. Y quizá menos latinos vayan a las primarias del Pdo republicano esta vez y esa sería la prueba más contundente de su derrota en Noviembre.


Decir que el español es el lenguaje de ghetto latino, decirlo en el país de los emigrantes donde los latinos son la mayoría, fue la mas grande estupidez que pudo haber dicho Gingrich y eso no tiene ni jamás tendrá perdón. Y lo dijo justo cuando la comunidad latina había triunfado en su pedido de que el driving test pueda tomarse en español. La mente colonialista del pilgrim Newt Gingrich es demasiado estrecha y absurda, vive en el país donde todos son inmigrantes y renuncia a creer que existe Quebec en Canada y Suiza y muchos biliguistas en Europa. Increible pero cierto, tan cierto como es su racismo anti-latino y esto es lo que comentaremos en los que viene.


Part II.

Hugo Adan. Jan 28, 2012


Racism against Latinos is deep sited in the mind of the arrogant rich and in the mind and actions of Fed and State bureaucrats who lack basic cultural background to deal with today globalized world. It happens only in America, not in Europe, nor in Canada and several countries of the South. Here these bureaucrats enjoy ruining the life of Latinos not only in the border line with anti-emigration laws, they are excluding Latinos –especially elders who paid taxes- from health benefits, unemployment benefits, not to mention the unequal treatment they receive inside the job market. They can change purposely the DOB of Latinos to exclude them from such benefits and from civil and political rights. It happened to me, it happened to many of us.

Now they want our vote!. Now we say NOT. We should not vote for either one of the dirty couple. The alternative is to help and demand the creation of a United Front against the bipartisan system. There is not real choice in today US elections since both democrats and republicans are owned and financed by the rich. In each State of the union we should create our own alternative in alliance of the working classes of America. We want a united Americas without imperialism, plundering and wars. We need a United Americas with peace and real democracy and that is only possible if we start getting out of the trap called bipartidismo.


In April 2008 Gingrich apologized himself for miscommunicating his good intentions in favor of the prosperity of Latinos if they learn good English, instead of focusing on bilingualism. But this apology didn’t focus on the assumed disadvantages of bilingualism and left intact the derogative insult to other languages as ghetto languages. According to the Associated Press, Gingrich equated bilingual education with "the language of living in a ghetto”.

We will see below that in the 2nd part of Gingrich’s statements “the ghetto language was referred to Spanish” since he demanded that “citizenship requires passing a test on American history in English” and demanded that “we do not have to print ballots in any language except English." In the time-context, such claims were placed by the Latino community, so his racism against Latinos was evident and Spanish was in fact considered by him as ghetto language.

Let’s check the recent debate-context in which Gingrich’ statements were brought back by Romney and second, the context in which Gingrich said his derogative statement.

The best summary on such debate is the following article:

Here some extracts :

“Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich are attacking each other on all fronts in Florida ahead of the Jan. 31, 2012, primary.

“In one Spanish-language radio ad, Gingrich calls Romney "anti-immigrant.". .. “Gingrich specifically took exception with Romney's call at a Monday debate for people to deport themselves if they're here illegally.

"I think Romney is amazingly insensitive to the realities of the immigrant community — his whole concept of self-deportation," Gingrich said. "I've not met anyone who thinks it's in touch with reality. People aren't going to self deport."
Gingrich told Univision that Romney's immigration plans are unrealistic and like an "Obama-level fantasy." Said Gingrich: "You have to live in a world of Swiss bank accounts and Cayman Island bank accounts … to have some fantasy this far from reality."


Romney found himself the target of his own words on the Florida campaign trail, where he has attacked Gingrich as an "influence peddler" [offering & selling influence: a corrupt interference with authority for personal gains] because he (Romney) was also paid as a consultant for mortgage giant Freddie Mac, implicated in the housing crash and foreclosure crisis gripping 1 in every 360 Florida homes.
Turns out, some Romney campaign advisers were lobbyists for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, some of whom were paid to fight reform efforts, according to the Associated Press and the Daily Caller conservative news website.

Also, AP and the Democratic group American Bridge 21st Century pointed out that one of Romney's investments yielded $500,000 from Fannie Mae. And CNN reported that Romney was a "distinguished panelist" at a Fannie Mae Foundation housing conference in 2004 — just as the housing bubble started to inflate. But it was before Fannie and Freddie began taking on risky home loans.

Romney said there's "absolutely" bipartisan blame for the housing crisis, which started during the George W. Bush administration.

Romney said. "This idea that everybody has to own a home — that we're going to give mortgages to people who can't pay them back — that is a primary reason that we got in the economic stress that occurred within the housing market." [Romney blamed people for dreaming with houses they cannot afford to paid]


SECOND. On Spanish as the language of the ghetto

In a rebuttal [to the accusation of corruption and profiteering from the mortgage and foreclosures crisis] Romney attacked Gingrich of saying in radio that "Spanish is the language of the ghetto." Here’s a partial transcript of the ad, which is airing in South Florida (translation courtesy of Patricia Mazzei of the Miami Herald):

"Gingrich enriched himself with Freddie Mac, one of the principle companies responsible for the mortgage collapse that has caused so much damage in our community. [Gingrich compared himself with Reagan but] Reagan would have never offended Hispanics as Gingrich did when he said Spanish is the language of the ghetto. Now, searching for votes, Gingrich wants to change history. But the facts speak for themselves”. Paid for by Romney for President, Incorporated."


The claim comes from a speech Gingrich gave on March 31, 2007, to the National Federation of Republican Women, as he was considering running for president in 2008.

“We tracked down the speech in its entirety through C-SPAN, which originally broadcast the speech and has a wonderful video archive. You can watch Gingrich’s remarks by clicking here:

"Nobody in the elite world understands this, this is an enormous center-right country," Gingrich said. "This was driven home for me a couple weeks ago when I was doing a press release for ENGLISH FIRST. They gave me some data. Eighty-five percent of the American people believe English should be the official language of government." according to a Rasmussen poll.

“Gingrich then pivoted to the founding of the colony of Jamestown, "when people who believed their rights came from God first stepped foot on this continent." They had a "very simple model," he said: First "We should replace bilingual education with immersion in English so people learn the common language of the country and so they learn the language of prosperity, not the language of living in a ghetto," Gingrich said. "Second … we should establish that citizenship requires passing a test on American history in English. And if that's true, we do not have to print ballots in any language except English."

“Gingrich’s comments were picked up that day by the Associated Press, which said Gingrich equated bilingual education with "the language of living in a ghetto."

“In looking at his remarks, he did not directly make that linkage -- his "language of living in a ghetto" is juxtaposed with "the language of prosperity." But the larger context, particularly the remark about ballot language, suggests that he was referring to Spanish. He was widely criticized for the comment.

The AP article quoted Peter Zamora, co-chair of the Washington-based Hispanic Education Coalition, which supports bilingual education, as saying, "The tone of Gingrich comments were very hateful. Spanish is spoken by many individuals who do not live in the ghetto."


On April 4, Gingrich posted a video on YouTube to explain the comments. He looked in the camera and spoke in Spanish. Check the video Newt Spanish Apology here:

"Last weekend I made some comments that I recognize produced a bad feeling within the Latino community," Gingrich said in Spanish (his comments in the video are subtitled into English). "The words I chose to express myself were not the best, and what I wanted to say is this. In the United States it is important to speak English well in order to progress and have success. To achieve this goal, we should replace bilingual education programs with intensive English instruction courses and in this way permit that English be the language that all of us have in common”.

"This is an expression of support for Latinos, not an attack on their language. I have never believed that Spanish is a language of people of low income nor a language without beauty."


“Gingrich was asked about the "ghetto" comment on Jan. 25, 2012, during an interview with Univision. He sidestepped the question in his answer. "I said -- about all languages -- I am for English as the common, unifying language," he said. "If I were going to live in Mexico, I would say that Spanish is really important for me to learn."


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