domingo, 14 de enero de 2024



Socialism before Pareto


I cenio 20 del 2022

Hugo Adan 6-20-22

(Чусол адо )

1. El punto de partida en el analisis de un Sistema social son las contradicciones internas y

> an TB Bottomore


2. El future de una Sociedad (the future of society) in span page 267, in English 243

"IF man is formed by circumstances the circumstances must be humanity formed. IF man is by nature a social being he only develop his real nature and true power IF his nature should be measured not by the power of private individuals, but by the power of society" (243 english)

3. What is socialism? Is the positive abolition of private property and human self-alienation and thus the real appropriation of human nature, through and for man ( pg. Eng 243 and Spanish 267)

4. In dialectical words, Socialism is a phase of negation of the negation in favor of next stage of historic development, a real necessary factor in the emancipation and rehabilitation of men.

Socialism is a necessary form for immediate future, but socialism is not in itself the end of human development or the final form of human society (see mutual dependency between capitalism and labor: pg. 168 in Spanish and 147 in English in selected writings in Sociology and Social Philosophy by T. B. Bottomore, with foreword by Erich From). See also page 245 in English and 272 in Spanish

5. The final objective is a communist society but between capitalism and communism lies a period of revolution transformation of the one into the other. (256 in English)

6. The fight for equal rights is still a principal of bourgeois socity (Pg 257 in Spanish and

258 in English)

Rights can never be higher than the economic structure of society and the cultural development conditioned by it (pg 258 in English)

The best principal of socialism is to each according to it's ability and to each according to his need. (Pg 258 in English and 273 in Spanish)

7. The subordination of individuals to social classes cannot be abolished until social classes are abolished at all. Humans doesn't have any interest in particular class affirmation and class domination by other class (pg 273 in Spanish and the future of Society pg 168 in Spanish and 246 in English).

8. Pincipales contradicciones internas y externas

Economic problems:

A-Inflation - deflation. La suba de precios (Inflation) no debe pasar del 2.5% pero estamos a mas del 6% a nivel global. La suba de los precios del oil por las sanciones contra RU agravo la situacion del consumidor, del estado, los empresarios medianos y los precios del mercado Internacional. Esa suba se combatio con la billonada de dolares que el US creo de la nada (no hubo auto-reproduccion del Capital (los QEs y Bailouts salvaron a los de arriba) pero el US vive una situacion Econ desfavorable lo

dice Ray Dalio (pag 215 de su libro "The Changing World Order: Why Nations succeed

& Fail" with a big table and the situation is getting worse los indica R Dalio en su reciente libro. Antes

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Lo inverso ocurre con China que mostrol un big cycle favorable (ver pag 519 del libro de Dâlio). La posible Victoria de Trump en las elecciones del 2004 apuntara contra China y China ya les advirtio que habra respuesta inmediata via satelital. El WW3 esta a la Vuelta de la esquina y no habra vencedores, solo genocide, destruccion global y nuevas pandemias.

Antes de que esto ocurra RU saldra de Ucrania donde ya tiene la batalla ganada. Y saldra despues de volar el silo nuclear de Polonia, la base de la OTAN (los verdaderos invasores de la autonomia del Donbass y asesinato de miles de civiles).

RU ya consiguio nuevos compradores de petroleo en la mera Europa (mientras Femito confisca las armas que envio US-UK y los bancos de Europa). Al US solo le queda intentar nuevamente el ataque (esta vez nuclear) contra RU-China, con Trump en la Presidencia si la VP de Biden no entra en la batalla por la PAZ. Al parecer tendremos una nueva Merkel a nivel global. Veremos.




Socialism before Pareto




La peor contradiccion que hoy enfrentamos es PEACE vs WAR: Estamos a punto de iniciar el WW3, sea porque RU quiere preservar la autonomia del Donbas en sus fronteras (Donest & Lugansk son poblados pro-rusos) lo que supone eliminar el poder militar de NATO, lo que solo es possible si se vuela el silo nuclear de Polonia (la base del militarismo NATO). Con NATO alive jamas habra PAZ.


Eso es possible, pero tambien es possible que el US-UK plus EU usen su poder nuclear contra RU-China, como ya lo intentaron antes. Esta vez Trump es el candidato mas Seguro a Victoria en la proximas elecciones y el MAGA regresara al poder y el miliatrismo terrorista se reiniciara. Definimos terrorismo como lo defineel US State Department in title 22 of USA (Section 2656) Alli el terrorism se define como violencia politicamente motivada contra ‘no combatan targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents usually intended to influence an audience.


The term ‘international terrorism’ involve citizens or countries of more than one. When Bush said in September 11 “with us (the nation) or with the terrorists” he referred the yijadists who bombed the towers in NY. However, not all he towers where hit by terrorists. The tower 7 suffer implosion. It means that American terrorists participate in Sep 11. This case was never investigated. Besides, the Arab Muslims in NY received especial attention (1 plane) to depart out of US. One more thing: The international press showed fotos that some of the arab pilots in Sept 11 where having happy life in South Arabia. Complicity? Could be more than that: it was a coordinated act of terrorism.


This didn’t happen in the Nuke attack to Japan (Hiroshima and Nagazaki). Not in many US military terrorist interventions. See on this regard A CENTURY OF US MILITARY INTERVENTIONS compiled by Zoltan Grossman. Open:


Hay otro documento interesante sobre el terrorismo del US: LA CIA Y EL TERRORISMO DE ESTADO EN AMERICA LATINA. Ud puede leerlo si abre la pagina :


IN Brief: En suma, somos un pais de terroristas hypocritas que empezaron  dentro  del pais con los “pilgrims” que robaron tierras a los nativos y luego a los vecinos del norte de MX.  







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