lunes, 14 de noviembre de 2022



November 14-2022

Reality of US-RU conflict: Sacrificing STRATEGY for war TACTICS

-The STRATEGY is getting PEACE world-wide

-The TACTIC is winning first the current wars

This imply given the military in US-RU enough weapons and nukes plus political power to WIN THE TACTIC WAR. This tactic is illegal, inhumane and genocidal. That is the meaning of sacrificing SRATEGY for TACTICS.

SO, the military has to be depowered to get PEACE between RU-US.

One way of solving this riddle is given power to mother of young kids. No real mother want to sacrifice their teenager kids to save the life of big Corporations who finance and profit from creation OF WEAPONS and WARS.

In fact: soldiers don’t fight for their country; they fight to save the life of big Corp who control the economic and political power inside their countries. That is the case of REPs and DEMs. In fact, they don’t fight for Democracy. There is NO democracy when Big Corp finance PARTIES and candidates during ellections.

The best way of solving this problem is to take the military OUT of POWER inside US-RUSSIA.

Of course WAR BRINGS MONEY TO big Corporations that create weapons & WARS to the cost of civilian-life all over the world. How many innocent people will be sacrificed in WW3? Nobody knows. All that we know is that WW3 will be genocidal and totally inhumane.


To say that that the objective in Ukraine is ganar la Guerra right now with more weapons and destruction in both sides : NATO + US-UK and via UN controlled by them,  that could create auto-destruction of Ukraine if Russia control or destroy the NUCLEAR BASE IN POLAND: THE KEY OF US-NATO POWER in Ukraine. RU didn’t do it yet, but it could happen soon , then the Russian could convert the defeat in victory if the bomb in Polony destroy US-UK-NATO. It could happen now.


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