sábado, 22 de octubre de 2022



I use here the term "delinking" that I proposed half a century ago, a term that contemporary discourse appear to have substituted with the synonym "de-globalization". I have never conceptualised delinking as an autarkic retreal, but rather as a strategic reversal in the face of both internal and external forces in response to unavoidable requirement for self-determined development. Delinking promotes the reconstruction of a globalization based on negotiation, rather than submision to the exclusive interest of the imperial monopolies. It also makes possible the reduction of international inequalities.

Delinking is necessary because the measures advocated in the tw, the imperialism of the Triad, forced to retreo previous sections can never really be implemented at the global scale, or never at regional level (e.g. Europe). They can only be initiated in the context of State-Nations with advanced radical social and political struggles commited to a process of socialization of management of their economy.

Imperialism, in the form that it took until just the end of Second War world, had created the contrast between industrialized imperialist centers and dominated periferies where industries where prohibited. The victories of national liberation movements began the process of industrialization of the periferies, through the implementation of delinking policies required for the options of self reliant development. Associated with social reforms that were at time radical, these delinkings create the conditions for the eventual "emergence" of those countries that have gone furthest in this direction -China leading the pack, of course.

But the imperialism of the current era, the imperialism of the TRIAD forced to retreat and "adjust itself " to the conditions of this new era, re-build itself on new fundations based on "advantage" by which it sought to hold on  to the privilege of exclusivity that I have classify in five categories. the control of:


-access to natural resources of the planet

-global integration of the monetary and financial systems

-Systems of communication and information

-Weapons of mass destruction 


The main form of delinking today is thus defined by the cha, llenge of these five privileges of contemporary imperialism. Emerging countries are engaged on delinking from these five privileges, with varying degrees of conrtrol and self determination, of course. While early success over the past two decades of delinking enable them to accelerate their development, in particular to industrial development with the liberal system using "capitalist means". This success has fueled delusions about the possibility of continuing on this path, that is to say, emerging as new "equal capitalist partners". The attempt to "coopt" the most pretigious of these countries with the creation of G20 has encourage these ilusions.

By which the current ongoing implosion of the 'imperialist system' (called 'globalization') these ilussions are likely to dissipate. The conflict between  imperialist powers of the TRIAT and emerging countries is already visible AND IS EXPECTED TO WORSEN. If they want to move forward, the societies of the emerging countries will be forced to turn more toward self reliance modes of development through national plans and by strengchening South-South cooperation.

Audacity, under such circumstances involve engaging vigorously and coherently toward this end, bringing together the required measured of delinking with the desired advances in social progress

The goal of these radicalization is threefold:  the democratization of society, the consequent social progress achieved and the taking of anti-imperialist position. A commitment to this direction is possible, not only for societies in emerging countries, but also in the re-colonized through structural adjustment programs of the 1980s. Their people are now in open revolt, wheter they have already scored victories (South America) or not (in the Arab world).

Audacity hear means that the radical left in these societies must have the encourage to take measures of the challenges that they face and to support the continuation and radicalization of the necessary struggles that are in progress. 

The delinking of the south prepares de way for the deconstruction of the imperialis system itself. This is particularly apparent in areas affected by the management of the global monetary and financial system since there is the result of the 'hegemony of the dollar'

But be wared: it is an ilussion to expect substitute for this system "another world monetary and financial system" that is better balanced and favorable to the development of the peripheries. As always the search of "a consensus" over international reconstruction from above is mere wishful thinking aking to waiting for a miracle. 

What is on the agenda now is the deconstruction of the existing system -its implosion-and reconstruction of national alternative systems ( for countries, or continents or regions) as some projects in South America has already begun. Audacity here is to have the courage to move forward with the strongest determination possible, without too much worry about the reaction of imperialism. (the frame of Hegel come to mind: de pienso luego existo is replaced by actuo luego existo).

The same problematic of delinking/dismantling is also of relevance in Europe which is a subset of globalization dominated by monopolies. It is thus obvious that here there is not alternative to audacity. Disobeying the rules imposed  by the "european constitution" and the imaginary Central bank of the Euro is just imagination. Though it is unavoidable pre-requisite for the eventual reconstruction of 'another europe' of peoples and nations.

In conclusion: audacity, more audacity, always audacity. What I mean for audacity is therefore:

(1) for the radical left in societies of the imperialist triad, the need for an engagement in the building of an alternative anti-monopoly social block  

(2) for the radical left in societies of the peripheries to engage in the builging of an alternative ANTI-COMPRADOR social block

It will take time to make pogress in building these blocks but it could well acelerate if the radical left takes on movement with determination and engage of making progress on long road to socialism. It is therefore necessary to propose 'strategies' not out of the crisis of capitalism.

We are in a crucial period of history. The only legitimacy of capitalism is to have created the conditions for passing on to socialism understood as a higher stage of civilization. The none radical left are in fact none strategies. They are merely adjustment to the implosion of the capitalist system.

The none radical left will not stop the triumph of capitalist barbarism.

Audacity is what is necessary  to bring about the automn of capitalism that will announce the implosion of current system and by the births of an authentic spring of the people, a spring that is really possible.



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