martes, 19 de julio de 2022



Hugo Adan

July 19


1 We arrived to the limits of rich vs poverty. The confrontation is inevitable either mass insurrection or via top-down. The cope of the State by Biden’plan to initiate WW3 by attacking RU-China is again a real plan (this fast attack and fast negotiation soon after) it is a plan to dismantle Trump’ plan to run for election in 2024. But, if Trump capture of Congress in mid-term election could  demand the resignation of Biden who did not get the votes to be elected President. Biden was  elected by bureaucrats of FBI-CIA and Pentagon plus other bureaucrats who run the shadow power of ‘democracy in US’. They accepted the electoral fraud of Biden because Trump made the mistake of invading the CAPITOL. This shadow power is pardoning both of them; they declared the victory of Biden and the pardon of Trump.  


2 Now the context is totally different. At economic level we arrived to the limits of RICH vs POVERTY. Their confrontation at political level is inevitable. The rich won’t accept limits to their income via taxes as European countries have it, they instead will demand more QEs and bailouts. The poor will uprise if inflation continue affecting them. If Trump is not clear on this topic he could be defeated in elections 2024


3. We continue running the dice of war and WW3 it could explode in Ukraine or in Taiwan as China made it clear. They will attack 12 US nuclear sites, said one Chinese leader. In Ukraine the used of US nuclear power against RU objectives is also a real possibility and that will be responded by RU. The future of US is in the dice of war and the whole humanity will be affected if nuclear power is used.


4 There is not way to expect PEACE: inflation the poor will move to create a 3rd option party. THE PARTY for PEACE. There is a chance that the current VP lead this 3rd option if she adhere to the creation of PEACE PARTY.


THE international context is also different US citizens are openly invited by US media to support war against RU-China


5 Trump has been trumped by Biden?. He has to join WW3 and that will be the victory of Biden plans to support Obama but Obama has a nasty record in Libya. Obama & Hillary stole their gold while the US Embassy en Bangazi were demanding support from another jijadist brigade (they killed 4 in the US Embassy). Obama made a deal with jijadist (training a weapons to them) if they attack Syria and Iran and take their oil (that was the purpose of ISIS created by Obama). FACT: there is no chances for Obama to bid Trump in election 2024, said 2 pollsters.


6 How to avoid WW3 plan of Biden? Top-down solution: demand from UN a special Assembly to FORCE NUCLEAR DISMANTLE AT WORD LEVEL. That will open the door for PEACE at world level. Bottom-up solution The uprising of the people at national level against Biden. The nation already started this option: Biden popularity is dawn. If armed revolution start, Biden has to use violence against the nation and that will be the end of Biden.  


7 If Biden initiate WW3 in this context China will take control of Taiwan , If US open fire to them China will attack 12 US nuclear sites. Taiwan is autonomous State from China and is an insult to them to accept arms from US.


8 The 3rd option party in US (beyond Dems and Reps) will be revitalized by PARETO project of reconciliation. The return to homeostasis (the middle point) will be a reality.


9 IF PARETO PLAN IS OBSTRUCTED and Biden’ WW3 start, RU and China will have the best chance of defeating US.


10 Biden, Trump and Obama are similar evils and the 3rd option party is the best path for a New America. Perhaps the 3rd party option will be lead by Kamala Harris IF she design the 3rd PARTY: THE PARTY OF PEACE. Then we will have a 2nd Merkel in the world. We need a woman back to power in the world .





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